!!! भर्ती है “Eare Estra automobile Company” कंपनी में.
•CNC Operator
Qualification required :- ITI and Diploma (Mechanical)
Salary:- CTC 13699 and in hand 10749
Overtime:- 70/hrs
Bus- Only Aichher and
Kasana Village
न्यूनतम दूरी- 150Km
इंटरव्यू डेट :- 16/06/2022.
समय:- 09:00 बजे से
इंटरव्यू पता:- Plot No.120A, Ecotech-1, Kasna , Greater Noida
Contact Person :- Aman(9528296179)
Bhati ji(7835003939)
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