Job in S Mobile Company

Hiring alert S mobile company*
वर्क लोकेशन.. sectore 63
Department ..only PCB and
handset Repairing
Only boys
Experience… 1 year any mobile
Note.. इंग्लिश लिखना और बोलना आना
चाहिए जभी इंटरव्यू होगा.
CTC Salary – 16000
Salary inhand… 12652
Attandas award-1000
ओवर टाइम… डबल
एजुकेशन… 12th,आईटीआई
ग्रेजुएशन,डिप्लोमा etc
Covid-19 के दोनों Dose (vaccine)
लगे होने चाहिये और गवर्मेन्ट के जो भी
दिशा निर्देश है उनका भली भाति पालन
Interview.. Add. Lions work force
office sector 71 block Gate no. 3
इंटरव्यू डेट… 08-02-2022
Thanks & Regards

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  1. Hii sir I am manoj sharma ,
    I am from Mathura &
    I leave in khoda colony ghaziabad
    Sir I need a job very much at this time

  2. Hii sir I am manoj sharma ,
    I am from Mathura &
    I leave in khoda colony ghaziabad
    I am fresher in this line ,4 years experience sale’s exicutive
    Sir I need a job very much at this time

  3. hlo.sir I am manoj sharma , I am from Mathura & I leave in khoda colony ghaziabad I am fresher in this line ,4 years experience sale’s exicutive Sir I need a job very much at this time

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